
Acupuncture used in conjunction with alternative cancer treatments
Why would we use Acupuncture to help heal from Cancer?
Helps to reduce the pain as a result of cancer
The white blood cells are increased
It improves both the immune system and lymphocyte cell (assists with the lymphatic system) activity
Acupuncture is completely safe for people of all ages. It makes for an excellent therapy to use if a person is overwhelmed by the side effects of standard conventional cancer treatments.
Understanding Acupuncture
China first introduced Acupuncture thousands of years ago. It was just one piece of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). It was used in combination with other healing modalities like herbal medicine, acupressure, tai chi, dietary therapy, tai chi, and qigong which is meditation.
Today’s acupuncturists use styles from different geographies, combining British, American, Korean and French techniques for optimal results.
It’s important to remember that all these stem from the TCM philosophy: which views the body one with nature. A healthy person, it has been said, is in harmony with their body where disease can only occur when harmony is disrupted. Traditional Chinese Medicine’s therapies help restore this harmony.
Acupuncture works from the Chinese theory on Meridians.
In regards to Meridians; there are 12 major meridians and 8 minor meridians. Each one follows a certain course through your human body. These meridians have 360 different points acupuncturist reviews for evidence of blockages. These access points determine where the acupuncture needles go.
Qi, which is the vital life force, flows along the meridians and regulates the body’s essential functions. When Qi is interrupted, the results are pain, disease or both. The objective with acupuncture is controlling the energy flow and reversing disease symptoms by the stimulation of certain acupuncture points.
Needles made of stainless steel are utilized for treatment. They measure 0.22 to 0.25 mm in diameter. The needles are inserted into the acupuncture points very carefully. People can feel some tingling, heaviness or numbness. The needles stay in the specific acupuncture points for a period of 15-30 minutes after they have been inserted. The effects can be amplified with electrical stimulation.
The number and length of these sessions are arrived at by a person’s condition. People with chronic issues will first undergo treatments two to three times a week and after that, the number of visits will be reduced each week thereafter.
Acupuncture Techniques
Acupuncturists utilize three different methods of the people they work on.
Needling: tiny needles are placed at targeted points along the meridians using either fingers or machine. This method is the most common of all acupuncture and most well known
Moxibustion: this method uses herbs that are lightly toasted on top of each point, which warms them in order to treat what is causing the issue.
Cupping: this is where blood circulation is improved by waking up the points where negative pressure is applied to the skin.
In addition to traditional techniques, others methods were created specifically to utilize acupuncture to help heal cancer. These other methods are trigger point acupuncture, laser acupuncture, and acupuncture point injection, and other techniques that focus on certain parts of the body. Auricular (ear) acupuncture is very popular and is also of the most successful methods of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Acupuncture Aides Alternate Holistic Methods
For thousands of years, Acupuncture has been an effective healing therapy. However standard conventional medicine has only begun to use and research it over the past three to four decades.
It is an effective way to help bring relief of people who are dealing with cancer. This therapy works well with alternative methods used to heal from cancer as a holistic, safe option.
Call us to find out more about the treatment.