Electro Lymphatic Therapy (ELT)

What are the benefits of ELT and how it works? Watch the video below.
Electro Lymphatic Therapy (ELT)
What is ELT?
Electro Lymphatic Therapy (ELT) is a gentle and non-invasive technique applied with Lymph Drainage XP Instrument to help stimulate proper lymphatic fluid flow and drainage to achieve a great detoxification effect. This therapy is much more effective than manual lymphatic therapy due to its ability to penetrate the deeper lymphatics. This therapy also provides relief from chronic inflammation, pre & post - surgical applications. It is mainly used to break down congested lymph fluid and enhances an active and healthier lymphatic flow.
What is Lymphatic System and Its Importance?
The lymphatic system is part of the immune system. It also maintains fluid balance and plays a role in absorbing fluids, macromolecules, nutrients, toxins, waste products and foreign substances that will be moved to the lymphatic system for elimination. The lymphatic or lymph system involves an extensive network of vessels that passes through almost all our tissues to allow for the movement of a fluid called lymph which circulates through the body in a similar way to blood.
When lymphatic circulation slows down or stagnant (caused by stress, fatigue, swelling, lack of exercises, age, emotional shock, tight fittings and such), the regeneration of cells becomes less effective and this condition will cause accumulation of toxins and wastes in the body and eventually bring down the whole immune system.
Benefits of ELT
Detoxification - promotes circulation of lymph, blood capillaries & veins
Reduces chronic pain and swelling
Helps with body water retention
Improves scars, stretch marks, wrinkles
Effective for constipation and muscle-related conditions
Relaxation – aids in dealing with stress, fatigue, depressions and sleeping disorder
Helps in weight loss (clearing sluggish lymphatic system)
A more comfortable experience for patients (less compression)
Saves time. Reduced therapy time with better effects
Who Should Go for ELT?
Cancer patients
Women who want breast care therapy
Individuals with chronic illnesses like diabetes / hypertension
Individuals who are interested in disease prevention
Individuals with weight issues
What Conditions may be Improved with ELT?
Arthritis Lymphedema
Sinus Problems
Stomach Problems
Autism Spectrum Disorders
Skin Conditions
Neck and Shoulder Stiffness
Toxin Accumulation
Candida Overgrowth
Chronic Fatigue
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Call us to find out more about the treatment.