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Dr Cecilliann Veronica

Anti-angiogenic Diet for Cancer

What is an angiogenic diet? Let's define this term, Firstly to understand the word ‘’Angiogenesis’’ is the development of new blood vessels in the body. In addition to that, it can also stimulate the development of destructive new cells including cancer cells and other inflammatory cells.

In recent years, Angiogenesis based medicine has become increasingly popular. This therapy restores natural blood vessel and cells production to the body by either inhibiting or stimulating angiogenesis depending on the need.

Hence Angiogenesis diet is believed to inhibit the growth of cancer cells which is essentially the same as the “anti-cancer diet’’. These diets are generally plant-based. The primary source is plant derivatives and meat consumption is limited to the minimal most. These diets avoid factory-farmed meat to ensure any meat consumed is free of hormones, antibiotics, and are grass-fed. Nuts are added because of the high Omega fatty acids contain.

There are very strong reasons to believe that we can starve cancer cells through diet. The causes of cancer are principally environmental factors (90-95% environmental cause, 5-10% genes related) and within those environmental factors, diet alone accounts for 40%.

Research has shown instead of stripping away food and removing them from the diet, we need to consume a plethora of food that reverses abnormal angiogenesis and boosts the body's defense system against cancer.

The Antiangiogenic diet includes:

  • Seven to nine servings of fruit and vegetables a day—including plenty of green veggies

  • Minimal meat intake, particularly when it comes to red meat

  • Grass-fed, hormone-free meats.

  • Full-fat, whole dairy products without added sugar— organic sources.

Examples of anti-angiogenesis components:

  • Resveratrol – active ingredient in red grapes and red wine can inhibit abnormal angiogenesis by 60%

  • Dark Chocolate - Well-known character of polyphenols in cocoa is their ability to show their action as antioxidants. Polyphenols (flavones and catechins) are powerful flavonoids for the defensive mechanism of the body alongside reactive oxygen radicals.

  • Tomatoes - Lycopene which is what gives tomatoes their red colour - intercepts cancer's ability to make the connections it needs to attach to a healthy blood supply.

In 2019, research highlighted that the Mediterranean diet as an anti-cancer diet and its anti-angiogenic effects on the body. The diet contains several biologically active compounds such as tomatoes(lycopene) olive oil( oleuropein) fish (omega 3 fatty acids) and nuts.

In summary of the research done is that everyone has the ability to control their health to a certain extent by easily adapting their diet to consume more bioactive compounds and help prevent diseases. The food we eat has a powerful effect on the body, health, and mind.

We can all eat to beat the disease.


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